BS kunena
BS Kunena attachment module 

This module allows displaying the Kunena post's attachment images (jpg, png, gif).
Key features
- Ability to select the number of images to display (existing)
- Ability to select image min/max width & min/max height
- Ability to select image effect (none, transparency or zoom, or both)
- Ability to select display order (creation date ascending, descending or random)
- Ability to select action on image clicks (none, to post, to user profile). Ability to restrict the clickable feature to registered users
- Ability to compress images to miniatures (jpg, png, gif) with cache time. Animated gif are not compressed. Default image types selected: jpg and png
- Ability to exclude post's categories
- Ability to exclude images with size below a limit (to avoid very small images, icons ...)
- Works with Kunena 3.0.x, 4.0.x, 5.x.x
- Works with Joomla! 2.5.x, 3.x
- Works with PHP 5.3.x - 5.6.x, 7.0.x - 7.3.x
Contact Bernard for this module.
BS Kunena topic user module 

This module allows displaying the user's names who read the current topic. The display is a list of user's names.
Key features
- Ability to select the number of user name to display
- Ability to select display order (creation date ascending, descending or name ascending, name descending)
- Ability to select action on names (none, to user profile if registered, to user profile)
- Ability to display 'login name' or 'name' (V 1.1.0+)
- The user list is display only when a forum topic is display
- Works with Kunena 3.0.x, 4.0.x
- Works with Joomla! 2.5.x, 3.x
- Works with PHP 5.3.x - 5.6.x, 7.0.x - 7.3.x
Configuration - usage
Besides of the site template positions, you can use the following template positions provided by Kunena: kunena_polls, kunena_topictitle, kunena_msg_1 or kunena_bottom for example.
Download - latest version
BS Kunena user hit count module 

This module allows to display or/and reset the Kunena user hits.
Key features
- Ability display Kunena user hits counter
- Ability display button (with count) to reset the Kunena user hits
- Ability to reset the Kunena user hits for the current connected user. Reset on module call if hits > limit
- Ability to reset the Kunena user hit count for all connected user (when connected). Reset on module call if hist count > limit
- Works with Kunena 3.0.x, 4.0.x
- Works with Joomla! 2.5.x, 3.x
- Works with PHP 5.3.x - 5.6.x, 7.0.x - 7.3.x
Configuration - usage
Besides of the site template positions, you can use the following template positions provided by kunena: kunena_polls, kunena_topictitle, kunena_msg_1 or kunena_bottom for example.
Download - latest version
Contact Bernard or use the forum.